The meeting of CDA-DWP has been rescheduled for coming Wednesday i.e January 15, 2020


Islamabad: January 8, 2020 (TNS): The meeting of CDA-DWP has been rescheduled for coming Wednesday i.e January 15, 2020. The meeting would be held at the same venue i.e CDA Headquarters.

However, there has been made an addition in the agenda items as PC-I for development of sector I-12 has been included for consideration in the 46th meeting of the Capital Development Authority-Development Working Party (CDA-DWP). The remaining agenda items include revised PC-I of the construction of Multipurpose Parade Ground, rehabilitation and widening of the Korang Road between Margalla Town Phase-I and II, PC-II for consultancy services for detailed assessment of current infrastructure of Islamabad and prepare design and details implementation plan for Islamabad sectoral area and major highways / avenues while PC-I of Traffic Management Solution for Rawal Chowk and Park Road of Islamabad would be also presented in the upcoming meeting of CDA-DWP. Erection of 08 Nos. of pedestrian bridges at different locations of Islamabad and change in location of pedestrian bridges of approved PC-I would be also discussed in the meeting.

The meeting will be attended by the officers of Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Interior and other concerned formations.