PR all set to float tenders for ML-I project


Islamabad: Sep 07, 2020 (TNS): Pakistan Railways (PR) is all set to float tenders for dualization of Karachi-Peshawar track Main Line-I (ML-I) multi-billion dollar project under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor on Saturday.

According to an official of the department, the tenders would be limited to seek interest of Chinese firms since the project would be funded and executed under the CPEC.

Giving detail of the ML-I, he said project consisted of three packages.

Under package-I, the existing tracks between Lala Musa and Lahore, Lahore and Multan and Nawab Shah and Rohri would be replaced and upgraded.

The package-II consists of upgrade of the railway track between Lala Musa and Rawalpindi, Nowshera-Peshawar and Hyderabad-Karachi sections while the package-III include upgradation of remaining chunks of the main-line, including Multan-Khanewal to Sukkur.
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