LAHORE, Sep 12 (TNS):A high level meeting was held under the chair of Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Bazdar to review the progress on the motorway case. The members of investigative committee informed the chief minister about progress on the case. It has been decided in the meeting to link Punjab Police Helpline 15 and Punjab Highway Patrol
Helpline 1124 with Motorway Police Helpline 130.
Chief Minister Usman Buzdar directed the Punjab Police to perform its duties till the deployment of Motorway Police on Lahore-Sialkot Motorway. Instructing the committee to complete the investigation as soon as possible, Usman Bazdar said that it was the responsibility of the state to ensure immediate justice to the affected woman and the government would fulfill this responsibility and the accused involved in this tragic incident would not escape from justice.
Usman Buzdar said :”I am personally monitoring the progress on the case and will not
relax until justice will be provided to the affected family.” A report on the tragic incident was presented to the CM. The chief minister was informed during the briefing that Punjab Highway Patrolling, Special Protection Unit and Elite Force had been deployed on Lahore-Sialkot Motorway and 91 km long route has been divided into three beats.
Additional Chief Secretary Home informed the meeting about the progress.
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Provincial Law Minister Raja Basharat, Provincial Information Minister Fayyaz Al Hassan Chauhan, Chief Secretary, Inspector General of Police, Additional Chief Secretary (Home) and concerned
authorities attended the meeting.