Chinese universities to open campuses in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


Peshawar: Sep 24, 2020 (TNS): Chinese Universities will collaborate with the Government of Pakistan to open campuses in Pak-Austria Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology Haripur in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) province.

The five Chinese along with three Austrian universities will handle various departments of the institute to contribute to the country’s technological advancement. This huge project will take another 5 to 7 years to be fully completed, China Economic Net (CEN) reported on Thursday.

The institute will offer around 30 most modern courses to students including artificial intelligence, material engineering, mineral development, food technology and agricultural sciences. The modern robots and drones used in agriculture will also be taught to students.

The prime focus of establishing such institution is to meet the workforce demands in key growth sectors such as industry, IT, information and communication technologies, medical technologies, electrical and mechanical as well as mineral resource development, extractive metallurgy and construction.

For the first two years the students will receive education in Pakistan while the rest of the education will be completed either in China or in Austria. Later after completing their degrees, the young professionals can come back and serve the country.

The project’s location is especially important because it is near the Hatter industrial estate where around 80 Chinese companies will shift their businesses.

The country’s first digital city is also in this area where the most modernsoftware park will be established. The 50 acres park will open doors for software development in the KPK province. The place also has due importance due to the Havelian dry port which will be the trade route to China in near future.

Pak-Austria Institute of Applied Science and Technology is a leap forward to assist the government of Pakistan in acquiring the much-needed pool of quality human resource in order to enhance the prosperity of Pakistan through developing a knowledge economy.