ISLAMABAD, Oct 23 (TNS): The National Command and Operation Center (NCOC) on Friday apprised that the positivity ratio of COVID-19 cases on average was 40 percent higher in the past four day making it the 5th continuous day with increased positive cases and deaths due to coronavirus.
The NCOC morning session held with Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Asad Umar was briefed, by health officials on data based facts, about increasing positivity ratio, increase in number of hospital admissions and increasing number of deaths.
It was noted that Muzafarabad , Hyderabad, Karachi and Gilgit had higher positivity ratio along with other areas across the country.
The hospital admissions were also on increase particularly in Punjab, the Forum was told.
“There is an increase in number of critical patients in hospitals,” it added.
Chief Secretary Punjab updated forum on increasing figures in Punjab as death ratio in Punjab was 1.6 percent on September 1 which at present reached 6 percent.
Moreover, the positivity ratio in Punjab had increased from 0.92 percent to 1.33 percent.
During the death analysis, the Forum was informed that Pakistan’s current case fertility rate was 2.06 percent against global 2.72 percent.
Around 71 percent of total deaths comprised of males out of which 76 percent were over the age of 50 years.
The Forum would revisit the prevailing COVID-19 situation on Monday to further assess pandemic outbreak situation.