Senate unanimously passes resolution condemning blasphemous caricatures in France


Islamabad: Oct 26, 2020 (TNS): The Senate has unanimously passed a resolution condemning latest attempt of republication of the caricatures of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad [Peace Be Upon Him] in France.

The resolution, moved by leader of the House Dr Shahzad Waseem, said that such condemnable acts supported by government further accentuate discord, alienation and divide between the followers of different faiths. It reaffirmed that the love for our beloved Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] is beyond any doubt and it is part of our faith and no Muslim can tolerate such horrendous acts.

The House strongly urged the parliaments and the international community to come up with a framework and needs to stop recurrence of such acts in future to ensure peaceful co-existence as well as social and interfaith harmony.

Speaking in the Senate, Minster for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony Noor-Ul-Haq Qadri said the resolution reflects the sentiments of all Muslims. He said French President demonstrated irresponsible and criminal behavior. He said Prime Minister Imran Khan and President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan have openly criticized the French President.

Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Ali Muhammad Khan said Islam is religion of peace and the Muslims respect all the religions.

He said the entire Muslim Ummah demands to remove the caricatures at the earliest and the French President’s unconditional apology to all the Muslims across the globe.

The senate passed a resolution expressing full solidarity with the popular, spontaneous, indigenous and widespread uprising of the heroic people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, terming October 27 as a Black Day in the history of the Kashmiri people since it was on October 27, 1947 that the Indian troops landed in Srinagar and forcibly occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

The Senate of Pakistan, taking note of successive UN Security Council resolutions in this regard, resolutely rejected the illegal Indian occupation of Kashmir which is the root cause of the Kashmir problem for the last 73 years.

The resolution said this brutal Indian occupation based on falsehood, fear and force, is primarily responsible for miserable plight of the struggling Kashmiri Children, women and men who have been forced to remain part of India under the diktat of bullets, bayonets and bombs.

It said India has falsified and forged a document which it terms as an Instrument of Accession and this forgery has been unmasked by respected international historians since it is used to justify and defend the indefensible.

The resolution reaffirmed the complete and unconditional support of Pakistan and its people to the just cause of the inalienable right of self-determination of the People of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions, that seeks a plebiscite under UN auspices to ascertain the wishes of Kashimiri people regarding their future.

The resolution also strongly condemned the Modi regime in India for following policies base on bigotry and Islamophobia that seek to divide society and promote discrimination against the people of Jammu and Kashmir on the basis of their ethnicity and religion.

The Senate thanked all those countries, international organizations and freedom-loving people for their support and sympathy for the Kashmir cause, which will continue its valiant struggle until victory.

The house will now meet again at 10:30 am on Thursday.