PM urges Muslim states to act collectively to counter growing Islamophobia in West


Islamabad: Oct 28, 2020 (TNS): Prime Minister Imran Khan has written a letter to leaders of Muslim states, urging them to act collectively to counter the growing Islamophobia in non-Muslim states especially, Western states causing increasing concern amongst Muslims the world over.

The Prime Minister, in the letter uploaded on his twitter account, said today (Wednesday), we are confronting a growing concern and restlessness amongst our Ummah as they see the rising tide of Islamophobia and attacks, through ridicule and mockery on our beloved Prophet (PBUH) in the Western world, especially Europe.

He said the recent statements at the leadership level and incidents of desecration of the Holy Quran are a reflection of this increasing Islamophobia that is spreading in European countries where sizeable Muslim populations reside.

In this environment, Imran Khan said, it is incumbent on us as leaders of the Muslim world to collectively take the lead in breaking this cycle of hate and extremism, which nurtures violence and even death.

He urged all Muslim leaders to raise voice and explain to the leadership of the non-Muslim, especially western states, the deep-seated reverence and love all Muslims feel for their divine book, the Holy Quran, and for our Prophet (PBUH).

He said it is time to reach out to “the other” and end cycles of violence bred of ignorance and hate.

The Prime Minister said we must explain to the Western world that value systems differ for different social and religious and ethnic groups in the world.

He said the world cannot continue on this hate spiral, which only benefits extremist’s agendas on all sides and results in polarized societies and violence.

Imran Khan said our faith is guided by peace and tolerance as practiced in Riyasat-i-Madina and in accordance with Misaq-i-Madina. It is our responsibility to inform the world of this spirit and core of our faith Islam.