ISLAMABAD: Dec 21, 2020 (TNS): Capital Development Authority (CDA) has decided to open one window while following the coronavirus SOPs here on Monday. Citizens will be provided the facility of one window on the day and time decided by the CDA. There will be complete ban on rush and irrelevant persons at one window.
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Elderly and disables will be given priority.
According to detail, due to the current wave of coronavirus pandemic the department of one window of CDA was closed for people. Due to closure of one window the masses were facing difficulties in transfer of their properties and they were facing delay in their work. CDA received various complaints for opening the one window. However, CDA has decided to keep the one window operation open while following the SOPs to facilitate the masses. It would be mandatory for people coming to one window to wear mask and gloves while having sanitizers and assuring all the SOPs devised against the spread of coronavirus pandemic. Citizens will be allowed to enter in one window operation only on due date and time. The citizens have been directed to not to bring irrelevant persons along with them. There would be complete ban on entry of other people in one window till the already gone come back.
The process of receiving applications for all the other departments of CDA is also underway at one window.