President, Tehrik-e-Istaqlal, Party (TIP) Mr. Syed Nusrat Ali Shah propose Adult Franchising for Senate Elections in Pakistan


Islamabad: March 19, 2021 (TNS): A meeting of key executives and lunch was arranged by Tehrik-e-Istaqlal, Party (TIP) as on March 18th, 2021 at Envoy Continental, Blue Area, Islamabad.
Honorable President, Tehrik-e-Istaqlal, Party (TIP) Mr. Syed Nusrat Ali Shah heightened the meeting with his presence to welcome new members and office bearers from Islamabad/Rawalpindi district.
On the occasion President, Tehrik-e-Istaqlal, Party commented that founder TIP Air Marshall (Retd) Muhammad Asghar Khan was the only true political leadership Pakistan has seen after Quaid-e-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah. TIP carrying the founder’s mission, focuses on awareness of Pakistan’s common public for their basic and political rights so that the Parliament receives the real representation from every class of the society.

The president further added that democracy has been totally shattered and it has been hijacked by few families with money. Now the tickets are only issued to the highest bidder eventually resulting in incompetent and inexperienced representation in Senate.
The President TIP Mr. Syed Nusrat Ali Shah proposed that adult franchising should be introduced for the Senate elections which will eventually translate into a process where every candidate for Senate will be fighting for elections in his or her respective area. President TIP also heavily emphasized on accountability for all political parties and their members.
President District Rawalpindi/Islamabad, Mr. Syed Bilal Izaat Naqvi Shah further added his remarks that survival of Pakistan’s political system lies in true representation of common man and Tehrik-e-Istaqlal, Party under the leadership of Syed Nusrat Ali Shah is the only political platform which pledges to be representation of common public of Pakistan in true spirits.