Administration of Capital Development Authority (CDA) decided to install digital flow meters on main pipelines


ISLAMABAD: March 25, 2021 (TNS): Administration of Capital Development Authority (CDA) decided to install digital flow meters on main pipelines, tube wells, and filtration plants to control water theft and water waste here on Thursday. PC 1 of Rs 166.419 million has been approved in this regard.
According to detail, the administration of CDA has decided to install digital flow meter for collecting the true data regarding the flow of water and to protect water theft and waste. These meters will be installed on main pipelines, tube wells, and water filtration plants. These meters will help in controlling the incident of water theft side by side telling the true figures regarding the flow of water. PC1 of the said project has been approved during the session of CDA DWP. This project will help CDA in better use of natural resources.