CDA administration is working day and night to enhance the beauty and greenery of the city


ISLAMABAD: April 01, 2021 (TNS): The Capital Development Authority (CDA) administration is working day and night to enhance the beauty and greenery of the city, In this regard, large scale planting of roses, flowers, fruits and shade plants and trees is going on in the city.During the last few days, state of the art trees have been planted on 7th Avenue, Jinnah Avenue, Shahra Dastur, Margalla Road, Srinagar Highway and other major highways with modern art and various designs.Flower planters have also been added to enhance the beauty of these highways and avenues.On the other hand, beautiful lights have been installed around these plants and trees to enjoy the view of this beautiful natural tree planting and flower bushes even at night.bStone patching and afforestation work is also being carried out around the city’s natural drains to make them environmentally friendly, clean and prevent them from getting dirty again. Trees are also being planted along the slopes and floors of the said streams with stone patching so that financial pollution can be controlled along with restoring these natural beauties. Stone pitching will also filter and clean the water. Stone pitching controls the flow of storms and rainwater, prevents streams from cockatoos.