CDA on Miyawaki forests upon the special directions of the Prime Minister Imran Khan and under 10 Billion Tsunami Tree and Clean and Green campaign is underway


ISLAMABAD: April 11, 2021 (TNS): Work of Capital Development Authority (CDA) on Miyawaki forests upon the special directions of the Prime Minister Imran Khan and under 10 Billion Tsunami Tree and Clean and Green campaign is underway. Miyawaki forests have been planted at 18 different places in the city so far. These forests will be established at total 23 places in Islamabad.

According to detail, the current administration of CDA is committed for clean and green environment in Islamabad side by side enhancing its beauty. In this regard, the administration of CDA is doing plantation at various roads, avenues, bridges, round about, green belts, parks, and other places. Similarly, Miyawaki forests are being planted at various sites. 18 Miyawaki forests have been planted so far. These forests have been planted at Shakarparian, Blue Area, F-6, F-7, F-8, F-10, D-12, G-6, G-7, Fatima Jinnah park, and at other places. Total 23 Miyawaki forests will be planted by CDA. In the next phase, Miyawaki plants will be planted at various sectors including G-10, and I-9. CDA is also doing arrangements for ensuring protection of these forests. Miyawaki forests grow with 10% more speed than the normal forests because trees are planted in a special arrangement in these forests. These forests will help in controlling the environmental pollution.