The administration of Capital Development Authority (CDA) is committed for ensuring the 24 hours provision of water to the citizens


ISLAMABAD: April 14, 2021 (TNS): The administration of Capital Development Authority (CDA) is committed for ensuring the 24 hours provision of water to the citizens. Water supply is continued in the city despite the deficiency of water in Simli dam. Water tanker services will be available 24 hours during the Holy Month of Ramadan. Decision has been taken to do challan of the citizens who would be found wasting water. Work is underway to resolve the issues of water leakage in the city. More water plants and filtration plants are being installed across the city. Decision has been taken to issue a complaint number of the department of water supply.

According to detail, the department of water supply of CDA has closed 8 to 10 leakage points and preserved one million gallons water. One million gallon water has been provided to sectors I-10, and I-9 from Simli dam. Only 30 complaints are left out of 150.Work on leakage of pipelines is also underway. Issue of the Leakages of all the pipelines of the city will be resolved in coming two weeks. Due to lack of rains during winter 10 million gallons water has been decreased in Simli dam. 22 million gallons stored water in Simli dam will be used till July 15 by ensuring the careful use of water. 190 tube wells are working currently in the city. 05 more tube wells will be made functional in the city with in the time period of one week. Faults of tube wells are being corrected with in the 48 hours so that the citizens may not face problem. 10 more tube wells will be installed in two months. Water supply timing in sector I-10 has been increased to 1 hour and 30 minutes from just 45 minutes. Similarly, new pipelines have been installed in G 11 to ensure the water supply in the sector. The citizens of small houses of G series are being provided water 24 hours. Almost 200 complaints are being received on daily basis which are being addressed through water tankers on the same day. Complaint number will be made public within one week. Citizens will be able to register their complaints regarding water leakage, water shortage, and any other on the complaint number. The administration of CDA has appealed the citizens not to waste water. They are asked not to waste water while washing vehicles and floors. Those who would be found wasting water will be fined by Rs 10, 000. CDA will cut the connections of those citizens who would be fined second time. The boar of their homes will also be sealed. Water supply from Khanpur dam is continued to fulfil the water requirements of G-10 and G-11. 2 million gallons more water will be given to G-11. With the increment of the quantity of water, the timing of water in G-10, G-11, F-10, and F-11 will also be increased. Water filtration plants are being improved to ensure supply of clean drinking water to citizens.