A meeting was held at the office of the Capital Development Authority (CDA) under the chairmanship of the Chairman to review the ongoing development works in Sector I-15


ISLAMABAD: May 24, 2021 (TNS): A meeting was held at the office of the Capital Development Authority (CDA) under the chairmanship of the Chairman to review the ongoing development works in Sector I-15. Member Engineering gave a detailed briefing in the meeting. During the briefing it was informed that development work in Sector I-15 and Sub-Sectors 1, 3 and 4 is in full swing. Work is being done to provide all the basic amenities in the said sector. The work of road subways is also being carried out expeditiously. The rest of the development work in the said sector is also going on rapidly. Work in progress.Work has been started on roads, bridges, underground and overhead tanks of the sector. On the other hand, work on roads and subways is also being expedited. The rest of the development work in the said sector is also in progress The work will be completed in the next few months while construction of underground and overhead tanks has also been started. Construction work of Klot and bridge is also underway. The clutches will also be completed in the next three months, while the bridge will also be completed in six months. Ongoing development work in I-15 will be completed within the stipulated time. In all parts of sub-sector I-15/3, allotments will be given before the scheduled time in July and August 2021, while the scheduled time was July 2022. The sector is working on roads, sewerage, bridges, overhead tanks, underground tanks, water supply, drainage and other sectors at the same time. Therefore, all development works will be completed on time. 1111