Islamabad: July 03, 2021 (TNS): Capital development authority is getting closer to the objective set by current management for door to door mechanical collection of garbage. This method increases efficiency and effectiveness of the garbage collection manifolds. Moreover it also caters for the manpower shortages. Not only this method is more environment friendly but also reduces exposure of labour to waste to a greater extent.
Now therefore, inhouse work shop of cda has converted ordinary loader into a mechanical tipper as part of this campaign.
Initially these mechanized garbage collection vehicles will be applied in sectors F6, F7, F8 and F10. Gradually this will be extended to all sectors of islamabd.
Capita development authority has been actively pursuing plans and activities to make Islamabad more beautiful and clean. It is pertinent to mention here that CDA has started, for the first time,garbage collection from the rural areas of islamabd. Number of garbage trolleys ,skips have been increased manifolds in all over the islamabd. Already apart from several garbage trolleys placed across the city alongwith bins, 500 more are being procured.
Green waste has been utilised in making of natural compost and this is being used in various horticulture activities.