NSC reiterates Pakistan’s commitment to peaceful, stable Afghanistan


Islamabad: Oct 08, 2021 (TNS): The National Security Committee (NSC) has reiterated Pakistan’s commitment to a peaceful, stable and sovereign Afghanistan and urged the international community to provide assistance to avert any humanitarian crisis.

The NSC, which met in Islamabad on Friday with Prime Minister Imran Khan in the chair, discussed the ongoing situation in Afghanistan.

The Prime Minister received a detailed briefing on the evolving regional security situation, particularly the recent developments in Afghanistan and their possible impact on Pakistan.

The importance of international coordination on constructive political and economic engagement with the interim government in Afghanistan was also highlighted.

The Prime Minister expressed satisfaction on Pakistan’s support to the international evacuation effort from Afghanistan and noted that the entire world has recognized Pakistan’s positive contribution.

The committee members emphasized that the evolving situation in the region is extremely complex and that any instability in Afghanistan can have severe implications for Pakistan.

Agreeing with this view, the Prime Minister stressed the need for a coordinated policy effort. He directed the establishment of a dedicated cell to synergize various streams of efforts on Afghanistan across the government, including international coordination for humanitarian assistance and effective border management to prevent any negative spillover into Pakistan.

The meeting was attended by relevant Federal Cabinet members, all Services Chiefs, and heads of intelligence services.