Protest in Muzaffarabad on completion of 800 days of India’s military siege in IIOJ&K


Islamabad: Oct 12, 2021 (TNS): In Muzaffarabad, People of Jammu and Kashmir staged protest rally under the aegis of Pasban-e-Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir on the completion of 800 days of military siege and curfew in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

People gathered near Press Club Muzaffarabad and rallied on the main road while chanting Anti-India and pro-freedom slogans.

Protesters were holding banners and black flags calling on the United Nations to take action against India for the worst human rights abuses in Kashmir.

The protestors said the Indian occupied state is under military siege and curfew since 5th August, 2019 when India divided the disputed territory by force.

The speakers lamented on the silence of the United Nations, Security Council, OIC, international human rights organizations, Amnesty International and Asia Watch on organized terrorism of India in IIOJK.