Islamabad: Oct 27, 2021 (TNS): A simple, dignified ceremony was held at the Consulate General of Pakistan in Milan on Wednesday, October 27, 2021 to express solidarity with the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). Members from Pakistani community participated in the ceremony. Hundreds more participated online through Mission’s Facebook page as the programme was live streamed.

After recitation from Holy Quran, national anthem of Pakistan and Kashmir anthem were played. Messages of the President and the Prime Minister of Pakistan were read out to the audience by Syeda Shafaq Hashmi, Community Welfare Attaché. A special song on Kashmir was also played on screens for the audience.
In his address to the gathering, Consul General Dr. Manzoor A. Chaudhry stated that the United Nations resolutions have clearly given the right of choice to people of Kashmir and a plebiscite must be held without delay enabling Kashmiri people to decide their future. He denounced Indian occupation forces for brutalities wrecked on unarmed Kashmiri people. He demanded that world nations must meet their obligation and press India to honour its commitment to the world. He reiterated Pakistan’s continued diplomatic, moral and political support to the people of IIOJK. He also appreciated members of Pakistani community in Italy for their continued support to Kashmiri people.
Prayers were offered for independence of IIOJK from the Indian occupation.