Haripur (TNS) Hamid Mumtaz Hussain Shirazi, son of Mumtaz Hussain Shirazi, Tehsil Haveli District, Haveli Kahota Village, Jabi Syedan, 24/25 years old, whose mental balance is not correct. Akbar has gone missing from Chowk.


Hamid Mumtaz Hussain Shirazi, son of Mumtaz Hussain Shirazi, Tehsil Haveli District, Haveli Kahota Village, Jabi Syedan, 24/25 years old, whose mental balance is not correct. Akbar has gone missing from Chowk. If anyone has seen him or has any information about him, please contact him on Zeal numbers.
Thana City Police 0995.920113
Police Control Room No. :0995.920109