Army Chief General Syed Asim Munir met UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres at the United Nations headquarters in New York during his visit to America. According to the Public Relations Department of the Pakistan Army (ISPR), the Secretary General of the United Nations extended a warm welcome to the Army Chief and appreciated the role of the troops of the Pakistan Army and law enforcement agencies who are committed to the peace and stability of the world. .
During the meeting, the Army Chief reiterated Pakistan’s continued support in all serious efforts of the United Nations. During the discussion, the Army Chief highlighted the issues facing Kashmir and Gaza in particular. The Army Chief said that the establishment of peace in South Asia is subject to the peaceful resolution of the long-standing issue of Kashmir in accordance with the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and the aspirations of the Kashmiri people. According to ISPR, the Army Chief also condemned the unilateral and illegal Indian efforts to change the special status of Jammu and Kashmir as it is in gross violation of UN Security Council resolutions. Reiterating Pakistan’s stand on the Palestinian issue, the Army Chief said that the lasting solution to the problem lies in the two-state solution, and urged the Secretary General of the United Nations to mobilize the international community for an immediate end to the insurgency in Gaza. Do it to prevent human tragedy from happening. The Army Chief particularly expressed deep concern over the plight of innocent civilians who are being brutally targeted and are not being provided adequate humanitarian aid. It is reported that Antonio Guterres acknowledged the Army Chief’s concerns and thanked General Syed Asim Munir for his visit to the United Nations headquarters. It should be noted that the United Nations Security Council has passed more than a dozen resolutions on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, the brief description of which is that on January 1, 1948, India took the matter to the Security Council under Article 35 of the United Nations Charter. On January 20, 1948, the Security Council passed Resolution No. 39 under which a three-member commission was to be established to investigate the complaints. However, this commission could not be implemented till May 1948. By the time the commission could actually do anything, the political and military situation in the region had completely changed. After hearing the arguments of Pakistan and India, the Security Council passed a new resolution on 21 April 1948 under which a new five-member commission was formed with the aim of restoring peace and order in the region with the help of the governments of India and Pakistan. Karna and preparing for a plebiscite to decide the fate of Kashmir, but this too was in vain. After a detailed hearing of the positions of the Pakistani and Indian delegates, the United Nations Commission on the Kashmir issue passed its comprehensive resolution on the Kashmir issue on January 5, 1949, which was unanimously accepted by India and Pakistan. The resolution obliges the two countries to cooperate with the proposed plebiscite for Kashmiris to decide their future so that the commission can conduct an independent plebiscite in the state as soon as possible. The UN also decided to appoint observers with the approval of both countries to monitor the ceasefire process. Earlier on August 13, 1948, a resolution regarding this issue was passed, in which an immediate ceasefire was demanded. In the Security Council Resolution No. 47 (1948), it was decided that the independence of Jammu and Kashmir or its accession to either Pakistan or India would be decided by a free and impartial referendum, i.e. democratically. Resolution No. 51 (1948) emphasizes the need for an early settlement of the conflict in order to maintain international peace and security. Resolution No. 80 (1948) emphasized the need for the resolution and final settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute to be democratic and in accordance with the aspirations of the people. Resolution No. 91 (1951) is of great importance because under it it was decided that any solution proposed by the Indian-administered assembly in Kashmir to the issue of the state of Jammu and Kashmir would not be considered as a final decision. . Through Resolution No. 98 (1952), it was announced that the decision of the accession of the state of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan will be made only through a free and impartial referendum administered by the United Nations. Resolution No. 122 (1957) reiterated the pledge that no law or constitution passed by the Constituent Assembly established by the Government of India shall determine the future of the region or its affiliation with any one country. will Under Resolution No. 1172 (1998), Pakistan and India were urged to re-engage dialogue for a lasting solution to all issues related to peace, order and security, to resolve mutual conflicts, India’s efforts have been strong. Kashmiris themselves or Pakistan should withdraw from these UN resolutions, especially after the Shimla agreement, they are trying to convince the international community that this issue is bilateral and now these resolutions have become irrelevant. However, Kashmiris are right to demand that their right to self-determination be ensured in accordance with the spirit of these resolutions. According to these resolutions, the Kashmir issue is not just a land dispute, but a fundamental right issue for two crore Kashmiris.The historic day of the right to self-determination on 5th January inspires the Kashmiri people and leadership to continue their just struggle with determination and perseverance. The purpose of observing this day is to remind the United Nations of the implementation of the resolutions, through which the right of self-determination was promised to Kashmiris. After the first war over Kashmir, India took the issue to the United Nations. In the United Nations resolution of 13 August 1948, it was said that first Pakistan will withdraw its troops from Kashmir. Pakistan accepted this demand, but on March 14, 1950, the Security Council passed a resolution that now both countries will start withdrawing their troops simultaneously. The resolution of August 13, 1948 said that when Pakistan withdraws its army and tribals, the local administration will take over the administration and the commission will supervise them. It was not said in this resolution that India should keep all the troops here. will be allowed. Rather, it was decided that thereafter India would also withdraw the “bulk of its forces” from here and would only be allowed to retain such troops as were necessary to assist the local administration in maintaining public order. When the United Nations Commission asked the two countries for a plan to implement the resolution, India made two more demands. One is that it should be given control over the North and North-West areas in violation of the cease-fire line, and the other is that the institutions already established in Azad Kashmir should not only be completely disarmed but these institutions should be abolished. Yes, this has been admitted by Joseph Karbel on page 157 of his book ‘Danger in Kashmir’. Joseph Karbel was from Czechoslovakia and was the chairman of the United Nations Commission and his inclusion in the commission was due to the Indian representative. It happened as Joseph Karbal admitted that the Indian position was violating the UN resolution. Pakistan agreed to withdraw the army from Azad Kashmir and said that according to the resolution, the number and location of the necessary army that India will keep in Kashmir should be submitted to the United Nations Commission. India also refused this. On this, the commission, on the suggestion of American President Truman and British Prime Minister Clement Attlee, said that both countries should present their position, which should be placed before an arbitrator and he would make a decision. According to the United Nations documents, Pakistan accepted this proposal but India also rejected it. India’s own representative admitted that this UN resolution could not be implemented because of India. His words were:
To solve the issue of “a lack of goodwill on part of India”, the Security Council formed a one-member commission consisting of the President of the Security Council, McNaughton. This commission said that now both the countries will withdraw their troops simultaneously so that there is no danger to anyone. Pakistan also accepted this proposal. India also rejected this proposal. The interesting thing here is that this proposal was approved by the Security Council in the form of a resolution on March 14, 1950. As if now the UN resolution is saying that both countries will start withdrawing their troops simultaneously. The United Nations sent Owen Dixon, who was the Chief Justice of Australia, as its representative. He gave many suggestions for the withdrawal of the army. Pakistan accepted all, the Indian Prime Minister did not accept even one. In 1951, India said that we are under threat, so we will not withdraw the army. Australian Prime Minister Gordon Menzies proposed a joint army, but India rejected it. He talked about creating a local force under the supervision of the United Nations, but India also rejected it. He said that we will send the Commonwealth army, India also rejected this proposal. The matter once went to the Security Council. On March 30, 1951, the Security Council appointed American Senator Frank P. Graham as the new representative and said that the army should be withdrawn from Kashmir in three months and if Pakistan and India could not agree on this, then the decision should be taken by the International Court of Justice. Frank gave six suggestions, India rejected all the suggestions. For Khana Pari, India said that it will keep 21,000 soldiers in Occupied Kashmir while Pakistan withdraws its army from Azad Kashmir. Do not have anything to do with the government. Half of them are also unarmed. Graham made some changes in it, Pakistan said that it is wrong but we are also satisfied with it, later India also turned away from it. The President of the Security Council once again suggested that “Arbitration” should be done to find out which country is not cooperating in the matter of evacuation. Pakistan also agreed to this, India also rejected this proposal, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution on January 5, 1949, with the consent of Pakistan and India, in which the method of plebiscite to resolve the Kashmir issue was adopted. The car has been settled. Kashmiris celebrate 5th January every year as “Self-Determination Day” and demand the UN Security Council and the international community to resolve the Kashmir issue by adopting the UN resolution on Kashmir. According to Dadu, the serious issue of Kashmir should be resolved by holding a referendum. Considering its weak position in the freedom struggle of Kashmiris, India took the issue of Kashmir to the United Nations on January 1, 1948. On January 15, 1948, the Security Council discussed the issue of Kashmir, and on January 20, the Security Council appointed the Commission on Hindu-Pak.The Indian government presented its case to the Security Council containing these three points. 1. Attackers should not be allowed to pass through Pakistani territory. 2. Pakistani citizens are also among the attackers. 3. Most of the weapons, military supplies and means of transportation of the attackers are provided by Pakistan and Pakistani officers are training and assisting them. “We are happy that India has sought international intervention,” he told reporters. We not only want but are anxious that the foreign troops should be withdrawn from the State and the refugees should be brought back and free polls should be held. It is Pakistan’s sincere wish that the Kashmiri people should be allowed to act according to their will.
Leader of the Indian delegation Sir Gopal Swami Eisingar and Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah were members of this delegation. On behalf of the government of Azad Kashmir, its president Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim Khan went to New York. Speaking to reporters in New York, Sheikh Abdullah said, “Kashmir has exercised its right to independence by joining India and the fact that the people of Kashmir are fighting against the invaders from Pakistan is a proof that they The choice is in favor of India”. On 15 January 1948, the Security Council discussed the issue of Kashmir and on 20 January a resolution announced the appointment of a Commission on Hindu-Pak. The members included in the Commission for India and Pakistan were: 1. Dr. Ricardo Jay Sri of Argentina (Nominated by Pakistan) 2. Joseph Ka Rebel of Czechoslovakia (designated by India) 3. Aigret Griffe of Belgium.
4. Colombia’s Abustoji Friend Hunar. (5) J. Huddle of America. On 28 January 1948, the President of the Security Council announced that India and Pakistan had agreed on these three points. 1. The future of the state of Jammu and Kashmir will be decided through referendum. 2. The referendum will be conducted in an absolutely impartial and free atmosphere. 3. The referendum will be under the supervision of the United Nations.
On the one hand, the debate was going on in the Security Council, on the other hand, India launched a massive and massive military operation against the Hurriyat militants in Kashmir and this forced the Azad Mujahideen to vacate a large area. At the time of this critical situation, the caretaker chief of Azad Kashmir, Chaudhry Ghulam Abbas Khan, issued the following appeal to the people of Pakistan on 11 May 1948: “The fate of Pakistan is linked to Kashmir and the fate of Kashmir is linked to Pakistan. Both cannot be separated from each other. Can be done otherwise disaster is certain. Therefore, the opportunity has come for Pakistan to give us practical assistance. If Pakistan does not show us the light of practical assistance and friendship, then it is possible that we and you both will lose our way in the dark darkness ahead. Whatever we have to do, we should do it quickly, lest we regret it later.” (Daily “Dawn” Karachi). The President of Azad Kashmir, Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim Khan, also informed the President of the Security Council about this critical situation through a letter. It was at that time that Pakistan ordered its forces to enter Kashmir as Pakistan’s own borders had become insecure due to Indian military action. On July 4, 1948, the Kashmir Commission reached Karachi and on the same day, Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Chaudhry Zafarullah Khan informed the Commission about the presence of Pakistani forces in Azad Kashmir. The Commission visited India Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and Azad Kashmir from 4 July 1948 to 2 August 1948. He interacted with the responsible representatives of the Government of India and the Government of Pakistan. Apart from them, he also met Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah, Prime Minister of Occupied Kashmir, Chaudhry Ghulam Abbas Khan, Custodian of Azad Kashmir and President of Azad Kashmir, Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim Khan.
Resolution of the Commission of the United Nations Security Council. On 13 Aug 48, the Commission announced this resolution with the consent of both parties. Part I (1) The governments of India and Pakistan will simultaneously order a ceasefire. (2) There will be no action by either side which will increase their military power in Kashmir. 2. The commission will appoint military observers to enforce the ceasefire. 3. Both the governments will appeal to their people to cooperate in making the atmosphere conducive for negotiations.
Part II. After the approval of Part I and Mataraka War, the two governments will enter into a provisional peace treaty, the details of which will be determined by their representatives and the Commission. 1. The government of Pakistan is willing to withdraw its army. 2. Pakistan will use its best efforts to bring back those tribals and Pakistanis who have gone to Kashmir with the intention of war. 3. Until the final settlement, the area that will be vacated by the Pakistan Army will be managed by the local authorities under the supervision of the commission.
1. B: When the Commission reports to the Government of India that the tribals and Pakistani nationals have been recalled in accordance with Part II A No. 2 and further that the army of Pakistan has been recalled from the State, the Government of India agrees that its army Most will be recalled with the advice of the commission. 2. Until the final settlement, the Government of India will retain within the war such parts of its army as may be necessary to assist the local government in the establishment of order and administration.3. The Government of India will be responsible that the Government of the State of Jammu and Kashmir will use all its powers to maintain peace and security and protect all human rights. (c) The full text of the provisional settlement shall be published by a proclamation. Part III. The Government of India and Pakistan express their desire that the future of the state of Jammu and Kashmir will be determined by the will of the people of the state. The fair and equitable conditions required for the free expression of public opinion will be determined after consultation with the committee. After several months of continuous discussion, ceasefire was declared in Kashmir on the night of January 1, 1949 and on the same night. The fighting was stopped at 11:59. On 22 March 1949, UN Secretary General Trigoli nominated US Admiral Chisternmutz as the moderator with the consent of India and Pakistan. On 25 Dec 48 the Commission, with the consent of both Governments, presented the terms of Part III of the Resolution of 13 Aug 48. 1. The question of the accession of the state of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan shall be decided by a free and impartial referendum. 2. It will be the duty of the electoral commission to see that there is no restriction on legitimate political activities in the state. All residents of the state can express their opinions freely. All political prisoners were released. 4. Minorities in all parts of the state have full protection. 5. That retaliatory action is not taking place. 6. At the conclusion of the election, the Moderator shall inform the Commission and the State Government of Jammu and Kashmir of the result of the election. It will then certify to the Commission whether the election has been free and fair or not.
When the time came to implement these resolutions, the Indian government created new problems. On the contrary, Pakistan recalled all tribals and Pakistanis from Azad Kashmir by 10 February 1949 and thus implemented the most important part of the Commission’s resolution. India did not fulfill even one condition of the resolutions. After that, on the failure of the commission, the UN Security Council appointed Saravan Dixon, Dr. Graham and Mr. Jaring to implement these basic resolutions and to end the differences between the governments of India and Pakistan in this regard. The representatives failed due to the stubbornness of the rulers of India. The worst atrocities, killings and atrocities were committed by the Indian Kashmiris to suppress the movement based on the demand for a resolution of the Kashmir issue through referendum in accordance with the resolutions adopted by the United Nations. He is engaged in continuous violations of human rights while looting. During this time, more than 100,000 Kashmiris have been killed by Indian forces, thousands of women have been raped, properties and buildings have been destroyed, thousands have been imprisoned in jails and thousands have been disabled, including the elderly. Women and children are also included. The serious situation of Occupied Kashmir and the resolution of the Kashmir issue is also important for the United Nations.