India continue to perpetrate crimes against humanity in IOK: Mishal tells TNS


Islamabad, August 15 (TNS): Mishal Malik, wife of prominent Kashmiri liberation leader and Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Muhammad Yaseen Malik, has deplored the negligence of international community and rights bodies towards the plight of Kashmiri people saying that occupational forces of India continue to perpetrate crimes against humanity in occupied state with impunity.

Mrs Malik was participating in a protest demonstration on Tuesday outside national press club Islamabad held by Kashmiri’s in the wake of the independence day of India.

Talking exclusively with ‘TNS’ at the occasion she said that India’s unabated state terrorism against Kashmiri people is the cause of grave concern. She said that international community must take cognizance of these crimes and help state terrorism stricken people of the Himalayan state to come out of the crises.

She said that self-styled biggest democracy of the world, India, on its independence day too has virtually made Kashmiri people hostage by making suffocating arrangements in the name of security.

Mishal Malik expressed grave concern over the plight of her husband, M Yasin Malik, for keeping him under detention despite having serious health issues. Mr Malik was arrested on Sunday by Indian forces when he was proceeding to the Chadora town of central Kashmir to attend the funeral ceremony of a martyred Hizb commander. He was then sent to jail in the wake of the independence days of Pakistan and India.

Mishal Malik while pressing international community and human rights bodies to make India answerable for what it is doing in Kashmir said that K issue is the result of unfinished agenda of the partition of sub-continent.

She reaffirmed the resolve of Kashmiri people that they will continue their struggle for freedom till the goal is achieved.