Over 5,00,000 Pakistanis deported from 134 countries in last 5 years: Report


New Delhi, Sept 05 (TNS): Over 5, 00,000 Pakistanis have been deported from 134 countries, including countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, India and China, in the last five years, according to a Indian media report on Tuesday.

While it is commonplace for Pakistanis to be deported from Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and a number of European Union member states, many smaller and lesser-known countries have also booted Pakistani nationals for a number of reasons, ‘The Indian Express’ reported.

Some of the places where Pakistani nationals were sent home from are countries like Laos, Togo, Port Louis, Liberia, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Botswana, Burundi, Madagascar, Malawi, Republic of Congo, Dominican Republic, Mozambique, Angola, and Ethiopia. In response to a question put forward by Senator Jehanzeb Jamaldini, the Interior Ministry placed before the Senate a list of countries from which Pakistanis have been deported and their annual breakdown from January, 2012 till June, 2017.

Of the 544,105 Pakistanis deported, 71,723 were expelled in 2012; 79,539 in 2013; 78,409 in 2014; 116,185 in 2015; 111,084 in 2016; and 87,165 in just the first six months of 2017. Saudi Arabia topped the overall list, followed by the UAE, Oman, Malaysia, the UK, Turkey, and Greece. India deported 12 Pakistanis in 2012; six in 2013; 13 in 2014; 10 in 2015; five in 2016; and three by June this year. China deported 240 Pakistanis. Of these 26 were in 2012; 39 in 2013’; 36 in 2014; 46 in 2015; 80 in 2016; and 13 by June this year.

The Interior Ministry started tabulating reasons for deportations from 2014. Overstaying visas, lost passports, passport retained by visa sponsors or employers, illegal immigration, entry refused, and other illegal entries are the most common of the over 115 reasons for which these people were sent back home by the authorities of these countries.

Data placed before the Senate shows an 280,052 Pakistanis were deported from Saudi Arabia. In 2012, a total of 17,369 Pakistanis were deported from the kingdom in 2012; another 33,351 in 2013; followed by 45,456 in 2014; 61,404 in 2015; and 57,784 in 2016. The record from 2015 has already been broken this year, as 64,689 have been deported from January to June 2017. The UAE did the second-most deportations – 10,235 in 2012; 9,597 in 2013; 8,434 in 2014; 8,690 in 2015; and 9,987 in 2016.

The Emirates had deported 5,115 Pakistanis by June 30 this year. Oman was third, having sent home a total of 20,416 Pakistani nationals during this period. It was followed by Malaysia, which deported 16,124 Pakistanis in this period. The UK deported 13,700 and Turkey 9,776 Pakistani nationals during this period.

Among non-Brexit EU countries, Greece tops the list with 16,591 Pakistani deportees, followed by Italy with 887, Germany with 815, France with 798, Spain with 408, Belgium with 315, Norway with 265, and Austria with 248 deportees from January 2012 till June, 2017.

Other notable European deporting states were Sweden with 98, the Netherlands with 123, Bulgaria with 165, Cyprus with 316, Romania with 145, and Switzerland with 58 Pakistanis deported during this period. The US deported 832 Pakistanis, while Canada sent home 337.

Interestingly, Pakistanis were also deported from war-torn countries in the Middle East. Iraq deported 27 Pakistanis in 2012; 85 in 2013; 79 in 2014; 102 in 2015; 121 in 2016; and another 90 till June this year. Yemen deported 16 each in 2012 and 2013; seven in 2014; 49 in 2015; and seven by June of this year. Syria deported 33 Pakistani nationals, all of them in 2012.

Libya deported 50 Pakistanis in 2012; 59 in 2013; 129 in 2014; 48 in 2015; one in 2016 and four by June this year. Iran deported 10,346 Pakistanis in 2012, followed by 6,358 in 2013, declining sharply to 50 in 2014; 71 in 2015; 78 in 2016; and 50 by June this year. Meanwhile, western neighbour Afghanistan deported a total of 32 Pakistanis – one each in 2012 and 2013; 29 in 2014; and one in 2016.