Treat Pakistan respectfully, urged Jeremy Corbyn


LONDON, Sep 08 (TNS) Britain’s Labour party chief Jeremy Corbyn, has said that Pakistan is a country which should be treated respectfully and other states should not criticise it.

He was commenting in his interview with BBC Urdu service on US President Donald Trump’s statement and policies on Thursday.

In August President Trump, while announcing the deployment of thousands more US troops to Afghanistan and alleging Pakistan for offering safe haven to “agents of chaos.” Had warned that vital aid to it could be cut as an immediately change in the policy.

Corbyn said, “Pakistan is a country which should be treated with respect and it should not be criticised from outside”.

He said that all the countries will have to play all-possible roles to eradicate terrorism and it applies to everyone.

The British politician opposed President Trump’s decision to deploy more US troops to Afghanistan saying it is the continuity of the failed US policy.

“I do not support it. The solution to the Afghan issue lies in political dialogue.”

When asked about the killing of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, Corbyn appealed to Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi to show commitment to human rights in her treatment of the Rohingyas.

Speaking about rise in hate crimes against Muslims after Manchester and London Bridge attacks, he said such crimes, whether they are against Muslims, Jews or against any religion, are condemnable.

“We all, being a community, are united against these attacks,” Corbyn added.

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