Iran ready to launch free trade with Afghanistan, Pakistan, Oman


TEHRAN, Sept 11 (TNS): Head of Iran’s Trade Promotion Organization (TPO) Mojtaba Khosrowtaj said the country was ready to establish preferential tariffs and free trade with some countries, especially Afghanistan, Pakistan and Oman.

Speaking at a meeting on Sistan and Baluchestan Province non-oil export development, Khosrowtaj said the government would only make policies to support export of non-oil products without eyeing shares in the sector.

“Economy and exports are based on competitive markets, and we must move forward with creation of competition for various types of export goods and promotion of technology in bid to gain further shares in regional and global markets,” he underlined.

He pointed to the plans to conduct robust and long-term commercial exchanges in different countries asserting “Iranian manufacturing companies are currently operating productively in some countries.”

Deputy minister of industry, mine and trade said ties with Afghanistan, Pakistan and Oman held great significance and, accordingly, TPO was moving towards establishment of specialized desks in order to take advantage of each region’s strength for exports.

He later voiced Iran’s readiness to launch preferential tariffs and free trade with certain countries, especially Afghanistan, Pakistan and Oman which share land and sea borders with Sistan and Baluchestan province.

Khosrowtaj also emphasized that TPO would support exporters of Sistan and Baluchestan province to participate in international exhibitions, host and deploy trade delegations and to launch shipping lines or develop transit via Shahid Beheshti port.

Also at the session, Chairman of Sistan and Baluchestan Industry, Mining and Trade Organization Nader Mirshekar said volume of goods export from borders of the Iranian province had reached $ 3 billion.

“The total amount of exports from Sistan and Baluchestan reached 483 million dollars last year well exceeding the target which had been set at 440 million dollars,” he continued.

He said the province had enjoyed a positive trade balance in the previous Iranian calendar year (ended March 20) given that exports figures were higher than those of imports.