Shehbaz Sharif gave New Face to Punjab Police to maintain Law and Order in the province


The prescription for carrying out police reforms already existed in the form of findings of various police commissions, judicial pronouncements and advice of retired police officers. Only Shehbaz Sharif had the political will to implement them

LAHORE Sept17 (TNS): To substantially improve the functioning of police force and enhance its public accountability a new police system was introduced by Shehbaz Sharif to ensure greater accountability, efficiency and a citizen service minded approach.

A short code was made available to all the people to complain against the police officers over obstruction of justice and abuse of authority by the police.

Previously, a study on the Image of Police said that over 50% of the respondents mentioned non registration of complaints, a pervasive malpractice in police stations. The relation between the police and the public had reached a point where the citizens rather avoided reporting a crime to the police. There was corruption in the police force. People felt that the quality of service they received was inadequate and they were compelled to pay a bribe for their FIR to get filed.

Nearly 90 per cent of the police forces in the country were comprised of the constabulary. Unlike in the past, more and more educated men and women voluntarily joined the police at this entry level, in expectation of a satisfying career.

Formerly the police was answerable to the politicians; they wielded their power over the policemen. Shehbaz Sharif made the police body, free from the shackles of the politicians.

The creation of Women Help Desks is another positive development since women police by their nature are better equipped to take a sympathetic approach in issues like domestic violence, dowry harassment and child abuse. Those manning the police stations were sensitized about handling complainants who are already traumatized due to mishap.

Punjab police was one of the most ill equipped. It lacked fast vehicles, communication equipment and even proper weapons. They appeared like comical figures carrying their outdated weapons whereas their adversaries were armed with the latest ones. Forensic tools to fight crime and technology to tackle the growing instances of cybercrime were needed for an effective policing in these modern times. Shehbaz Sharif modernized Punjab police force.

Police Station Record Management System (PSRMS) has been installed in all Police Stations of Punjab. Presently all FIRs are being entered in the system and corresponding entries into different registers are done electronically by the system itself. The supervisory officers can see status of a specific case and also obtain other information like recovery, witnesses, sureties, case diaries, name of victims, name of accused, name of witnesses, challan date, next date of hearing, gender of victims etc. In 454 police station are providing services under PSRMS and 1 lakh and 349 FIRs have been register under PSRMS system.

In police complaint center new short code (8787) was initiated using innovative ways. In the police stations of 36 districts of Punjab women help desks were also established.

The Punjab Safe Cities Project has been initiated at the cost of Rs13.71 billion. The project ensured establishment, development and maintenance of an integrated command, control and communication system (PPIC3) for Police in major cities of the province for public safety. The Safe City is a concept for returning security and quality of life to today’s complex cities through the use of technology, infrastructure, personnel and processes.

In order to realize the vision of developing safe cities in the province, PPIC3 Centre has been developed for Punjab Police in the city of Lahore and larger cities of the province.

RPSCA installed more than 10,000 cameras 2000 locations for surveillance through a comprehensive survey. That includes the coverage of public institutions, key infrastructure, public roads, crime hotspots, VVIP routes, entry & exit points and public places.

In pursuit of CM’s vision of Digital Punjab, PPIC3 Centers of Punjab Safe Cities Authority are under construction in Multan, Bahawalpur, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Sargodha and Rawaplindi.


PPIC3 is a consolidated hub of integrated policing regulating swift Emergency & Police responses including, but not limited to, intelligent traffic management, dispatch of Punjab Police, PRU and Dolphin Force, 1122 Emergency response, Criminal Identification/Investigations, virtual surveillance and Media Monitoring.

Other than safety and security of the host city, this project is also a source of employment to Hundreds of Young IT Professionals who are instrumental in changing the Police Culture with their enlightened and energetic efforts for a peaceful, prosperous and safer Punjab.

Operations wing of Lahore police has finally devised a strategy to organize force through digital monitoring to improve the image of police in the eyes of public and top brass. It helped in redressing the grievances of citizens effectively and efficiently.

The project has been started titled as “Digital Monitoring and Smart Policing” with the aim that it would prove a game changer against the myth of traditional thana culture. Now, the cops working in the field and at offices would not be able to make their bosses fool as the new digital system will locate them and their activities round-the-clock.

DIG Operations has also introduced an android phone application named “Lahore Police 15” for immediate contact at the Rescue 15 control room. It has three major features which include Rescue 15 for emergency services, Anti-Terrorism Hotline and Police Complaints Cell.

The operation rooms have been equipped with 15-dashboard which enables officers to monitor all the incoming calls and dispatched force from the nerve center. The control of dispatched vehicles/force is unique and has been introduced for the first time in the police force of Pakistan. The dashboard can also classify the incoming calls according to their severity. The caller’s feedback can also be obtained through SMS and it will enable police officers to know the quality and time of reaction.

Operations police has also introduced concept of crime mapping so that the patrolling could be focused in crime-hit areas. The incoming call could be automatically delivered to the beat officer for quick response.  The harassment of pillion riders in the name of checking of suspected vehicles also came to an end as through the specific app only those motorcycles will be confiscated whose number will be in the database of stolen vehicles.

The digital system also helped police officers to monitor the raids conducted on suspects and proclaimed offenders as the criminality has been divided into beats.

Dolphin force has been introduced in 2016, 668 forces were given trainings  by best trainers and were provided heavy bikes and, 3G smart phones and many other relevant digital instruments.  As a result crime rates have been markedly decreased and many criminals were arrested. Police Response Unit was established in 110 spots. Rescue 1122 was extended.

Punjab emergency Services academy was established with the purpose of giving trainings to rescue firefighting, first aid and all other emergency services.

The establishment of Punjab Forensic Science Agency in Punjab at the cost of Rs2566.408million marks new era in the national history. Being a full service, state of the art Forensic Laboratory, having 14 disciplines under one roof is one of few of its kind in the world.

PFSA is an innovative, sophisticated, transfer of technology project spreading over 53Kanals. The establishment of a Forensic Laboratory of this size usually takes 5 to 7 years in developed countries, whereas here this huge task has been completed in a remarkable time less than 3 years due to continuous support and personal interest of the Chief Minister Punjab Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif.

Punjab Forensic Science Agency is functioning according to international standards. 2,82,200 sensitive cases were transferred to the agency and sensitive cases from the countries like America, Britain, Norway and Egypt has been also sent to the agency.

Moreover, Child Protection Welfare Bureau buildings were constructed in Lahore, Gujranwala, Sialkot, Sahiwal, DG Khan and Bahawalpur. 32 jails were established throughout Punjab, a high technology jail was established in Kanewal and high security jail was established in Sahiwal.

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