Local Government & Community Development Program: the biggest rebuilding scheme undertaken by Shehbaz Sharif


The program is of vital importance not so much for the material achievements that it has brought about, but much more so, because it seems to have built up the community and the individuals and to make them the builder of their own urban and rural centers. The program gave a new concept of the urban and rural community as a whole, cutting across caste, religious and economic differences.

It has been rightly described as the magnacarta of hope and happiness for the Punjab population, the testament of emancipation, and the declaration of war on poverty, ignorance, squalor and disease.

LAHORE Sept 20 (TNS):  The Local Government & Community Development (LG&CD) Program has been the biggest urban and rural reconstruction scheme undertaken by Shehbaz Sharif, the Chief Minister of Punjab province. It has been rightly described as the magnacarta of hope and happiness for its population, the testament of emancipation, and the declaration of war on poverty, ignorance, squalor and disease under which millions have been groaning when the PML-N governments were not in power.

This Program has been, in a way, the culmination of the economics of the urban and rural rebuilding.

Under the Punjab Rural Support Program 60 social mobilization teams were enrolled in 21 districts of Punjab under the current government. The successful execution of the program brought back to urban and rural areas economic prosperity. It brought both outward and inward grace to the Punjab province. It actually was an attempt to bring about a social and economic transformation of urban and rural life through the efforts of the people themselves.


The program is of vital importance not so much for the material achievements that it has brought about, but much more so, because it seems to have built up the community and the individuals and to make them the builder of their own urban and rural centers. The program gave a new concept of the urban and rural community as a whole, cutting across caste, religious and economic differences.

The Punjab government through this program made an attempt to awaken people from the long stupor, so that they may realize their due in life as well as shake off their lethargy and work in co-operation with government agencies to ameliorate their lot.

The Local Government & Community Development (LG&CD) Department was created to provide safer, cleaner and healthier environment to the citizens and respond to the specific needs of the cities and rural areas of Punjab for good governance.

It has been assigned the responsibility to implement Punjab Local Government Act (PLGA) 2013 to achieve the stated objectives of the Government. Moreover, the LG&CD Department has an over-seeing role to ensure that the local governments perform their functions within the provincial framework and adhere to the federal and provincial laws. It was created to respond to the specific needs of the mega cities and largely urban districts of Punjab for good governance.

LG&CD is working with a mission to assist and guide Local Governments in creating environment for autonomous and responsible decision making. This will improve service delivery in the social sectors and boost socio-economic development of the local area.

New local government system was initiated in January 2017. Khidmat center was established in Jinnah Bal Lahore and services were provided on behalf of 15 departments under one roof.

In new local government system the budget of the municipal institutions were increased from Rs16 billion to 44 billion and trainings were given to the elected chairman and deputy chairmen regarding the financial and other matters of the department.  Monitoring process has been introduced for all the officers and workers. Punjab Municipal Development Company and Capital Management Companies were established.

In 2013 Walled City Project was completed at the cost of Rs1359.780 million, where colors of the tradition of Punjab were highlighted in it.

The Punjab Rural Support Program was initiated in November in 1997 and 60 social mobilization teams were enrolled in 21 districts of Punjab under the current government.

In rural areas of Punjab the sewage ponds were eliminated at the cost of the Rs1000 million and in the year 3013-2014 23 dirty rain storage ponds were converted into parks and graveyards were converted into schools. In the year 2015-2016 Rs300million was allocated for the respective project.

At division level Capital Market Management Company Program (CMMCP) was initiated to get rid of the extortionists in the province.

Punjab Development Program (PDP) was initiated in 2008 at the cost of Rs1500 million and was completed in 2012. There was a marked improvement in the infrastructures in the province due to the PDP.

The Clean Water Project was initiated at the collective cost of Rs7884 million in the year 2008 and was completed in 2012. Under this project 309 German Water filtration plants were installed in 4 big cities of the Punjab (Lahore, Okara, Kasoor and Bahawalpur). The services of international consultants were taken to retain the quality of the water filtration plants.

For the repairing and construction of the graveyards Rs1 billion was allocated, in 2015, the condition of the 2168 graveyards was improved. In addition National horse and cattle show was organized in 2015 and various committees were formed to facilitate public.

Sound and efficient Solid Waste Management System were formed through Punjab for the safe and clean environment. Initially the program was initiated in 7 cities. In 2013 and 2014 Waste management Companies were formed in Lahore, Gujranwala, Sialkot, Rawalpindi, Multan, Bahawalpur and Faisalabad.

For the middle class citizens a development program (PICIIP) was initiated in 2011 at the collective cost of Rs4209 million.  And the project was completed in 2013.

For providing basic facilities in South Punjab a project (SPBUSP) was started initially in 6 districts including Rajanpur, DG Khan, Muzafargarh, Multan, Khanewal and Bahwaupur which were very successful and further 123 development projects are in process.

Punjab Municipal Improvement Service Project was initiated to improve the municipal infrastructure in the province. The situation of Water supply, Sewerage system, solid waste management system, drainage, street lights, roads, bus stands bus stand, bridges Tehsil Municipal Administration (TMAs) were also improved.

District Development Program was initiated the the cost of Rs12.7 million and was completed in 2013. At local level 4500 schemes including education, health and water sanitation were also completed.

Other major projects included District Development Packages at the cost of Rs7500 million, Model Cattle Market at the cost of Rs1000 million, pilot project of Rural Solid Waste Management System at the cost of Rs350 million, the Construction of The Model Graveyards at the cost of Rs200 million and construction of the office of Union Councils at the cost of Rs150 million.

Lahore Waste Management Company was established in March 2010. Rs714 million was allocated for the company the in year 2016-2017. A land fill site was established on 52 hectare land where 3500 tons waste can be discarded in a scientific and environmental friendly way. A bio-gas plant was installed and distribution network was completed in 8 months at the cost of Rs15 million. The production of the biogas from the plant was started in 2015 and 170 household were provided gas. Biogas projects were started in Bahawulnagar, Chiniot and Lahore.

Hospital And Construction Waste Management Project was initiated at the cost of Rs200 million. A plant was installed in landfill side for the processing of government and private hospitals where 10 tons of wastes are being processed daily.