Rich tributes paid to the services of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan on his 200th birthday


Islamabad, Oct 17 (TNS): The nation has paid rich tributes to Sir Syed Ahmed Khan on his 200th birthday.

Sir Syed not only created awareness among the Muslims of Sub-continent about the significance of modern, scientific education, but he also advocated their case in front of the British Empire in a strong manner.

Pakistani nation is indebted to Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, who was a visionary and laid the foundation of educational institutions like Government Muhammad Anglo Oriental College in the Sub-continent.

Sir Syed was a visionary leader who pulled the downtrodden Muslims out of the darkness of ignorance. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan awakened the Muslims and rectified their direction in difficult times by guiding them towards acquiring education.

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was a great reformer, educator, jurist and politician of the 19th century, but he may rightly be called the chief architect and inspired the thought process and philosophy that ultimately led to the creation of Pakistan.

He was the unique force that pushed the discouraged Muslims of the post-1857 India to empower themselves by acquiring education.