PM emphasizes need for long-term power sector program


Islamabad, Nov. 7 (TNS): Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi on Tuesday chaired a meeting to review power generation and demand supply situation in the country here at Prime Minister’s Office today.

Minister for Power Sardar Awais Ahmed Khan Leghari, Secretaries of Power and Petroleum divisions and concerned senior government officials were present during the meeting.

The Prime Minister was briefed over the recent power outage that affected South Punjab, Upper Sindh and few other places of the country.

It was informed that early advent of smog, which is unprecedented and is likely to continue due to dry spell, resulted in tripping of transmission lines.

The meeting was informed that acute water shortage also contributed towards reduced hydel generation. On 27th October, hydel generation stood at 2167 MW compared to 3088 MW on the same day last year. Low water availability as well as minimum indenting by provinces resulted in this situation.

In addition, non-availability of gas due to scheduled outage of LNG terminal resulted in reduced generation from LNG-based power plants. However, effective measures have been taken to eliminate demand/supply gap which has resulted in restoration of required capacity. Except for smog related unscheduled outages, power is being supplied to all areas similar to the situation prior to October 30th, 2017.

The Prime Minister was informed that efforts were afoot to meet the challenge arising out of smog and weather conditions in the country. In this context, the meeting was informed that a team of experts has been sent to China for studying Beijing model of transmission so that effective measures could be taken in the smog hit areas.

The Prime Minister underscored the need for greater coordination among relevant departments and for advance planning to meet any emergent situation.

The Prime Minister was also briefed over the progress on discussions regarding solarization of tube-wells project in Balochistan.

The Prime Minister emphasized upon the need for early finalization of the plan in order to save huge losses which were being incurred by the provincial and the federal government while footing electricity bills and non-payment of dues on tube-well connections. He directed AEDB to develop a concept paper on urgent basis.

The Prime Minister also emphasized need for long-term power sector program, with clear targets for induction of power from various sources. This will enable the country to have reliable power at affordable cost throughout the year.