Echo of buying, selling parliamentarians engulfs senate polls before time


ISLAMABAD, Feb 18 (TNS): The term “horse trading” always circulated when the senate election held, however this time the echo of buying and sell of parliamentarians with offers of millions of rupees has engulfed the senate polls before time.

The dismantling of ruling party PML-N government in Balochistan and rift among the MQM-P leaders, that clearly divided the party in tow groups, have paved the way of horse trading in upcoming senate polls that will be held on March 3.From the prime minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi to other politicians every one talking about the horse trading that has rung the bell of aggravation of the situation. The politicians either side of the parliament- Ruling or Opposition benches- are blaming to each other for horse trading.Balochistan Assembly to Elect New CM TodayThe Balochistan is more on crosshairs of horse trading after the toppling of PML-N majority government that can lead defeat of PML-N in Balochistan and likely horse trading will work here.

The other likely epicenter of horse trading is Federally Administrative Tribal Areas (FATA) where only 11 senators will elect four senators, it means a aspirant needs only support of four senators to become the member of upper house. It means, if only six out of 11 decided the priority list of aspirants they can become successful to elect their favourit candidates.Amid the echoes of horse trading former chairman senate Waseem Sajjad has given suggestion that if someone wanted to stop horse trading in senate polls the direct election should be the possible way to get rid of this menace.

Some analysts have the view that secret balloting is another tool to help boost the horse trading.
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In this process a member parliament, particularly MPAs, is compelled to vote for his party aspirant in his first priority, however he can vote on second priority list to the candidate who is nearest to his heart or pocket.Another major fault of present procedure of electing senate member is how to find out the voter who is indulged in horse trading. On the other hand leader of the opposition Aitzaz Ahsan  opposed the direct election for senate and urged some other ways to handle the issue.