Muslim father forgives son’s killer ‘in the spirit of Islam’


KENTUCKY Nov 10 (TNS): A slain Muslim delivery driver’s father forgave and hugged the man who was sentenced to 31 years for his son’s killing in the US state of Kentucky.

According to a report, Abdul-Munim Sombat Jitmoud hugged Trey Alexander Relford, who cried as it happened.

The court found Relford guilty for stabbing to death Salahuddin Jitmound at an apartment complex in Lexington in 2015. The deceased’s body was found lying in the breezeway of complex. As many as three people were taken into custody for the murder, but, a grand jury only indicted Relford.

The local police officials maintained that Relford planned the robbery at Jitmound’s house.

Jitmoud’s father told Relford he forgives him “on behalf of Salahuddin and his mother,” who passed away two years before her son. The father said he did it in the spirit of Islam.

“The door of opportunity for God to forgive him is open…. So, reach out to Him. You have a new chapter of good life coming,” he told Relford in court.

Relford told the Jitmoud family, “There’s not much I can really say. I’m sorry about what happened that day. I cannot do nothing to give that back to you.”