EU bluntly rejected Israel suggestion on Jerusalem


Brussels, Dec. 12 (TNS): The EU’s diplomatic chief Monday bluntly rejected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s suggestion that Europe would follow the US in recognizing Jerusalem as the Jewish state’s capital, saying there would be no change to its stance on the holy city.

Netanyahu said the controversial announcement by US President Donald Trump — which prompted diplomatic alarm and street protests across the Islamic world — had “put facts squarely on the table.”

After nearly two hours of talks between Netanyahu and the EU ministers, Mogherini gave a flat rejection of his suggestion they could follow Trump.

“He can keep his expectations for others, because from the European Union member states’ side this move will not come,” she said, adding that the bloc — the Palestinians’ largest donor — would stick to the “international consensus” on Jerusalem.

She reiterated the EU’s stance that “the only realistic solution” for peace is two states — Israel and Palestine — with Jerusalem as the capital of both states and borders based on the pre-1967 lines, when Israel captured East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the Six Day War.

And she pledged to step up efforts with the two sides and regional partners including Jordan and Egypt to relaunch the peace process.