Pakistan, China decide to further fast track energy projects under CPEC


Islamabad, Jan. 3 (TNS): Power Division has decided to meet all the investors engaged under the CPEC energy projects individually to further fast track these projects and also remove any difficulty faced by them.

This was decided at a meeting held in Islamabad on Wednesday between Minister for Power Division Sardar Awais Ahmed Khan Leghari and Chinese Ambassador Mr. Yao Jing.

The Minister also invited suggestion of the Chinese Ambassador for the planned meetings with the Chinese Investors.

Awais Leghari invited the Chinese investors to participate in the consumer services as the country is bridging the demand and supply gap with their great assistance.

He said the market for service delivery at DISCOs level offers lucrative return.

The Ambassador said investors in China are closely observing the fast growing power sector in Pakistan and its progress has been reckoned as exemplary.

He said his country will keep on further extending assistance to Pakistan in the Power Sector as it has been instrumental for the success of CPEC.

Chinese Ambassador agreed to nominate a focal person at the Embassy level for coordinating the extension of cooperation at the service delivery at the Distribution level.