Unity of Ummah inevitable to face US designs against Muslims: Sirajul Haq


LAHORE Jan 05 (TNS):  Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, has said that the unity of the Muslim Ummah was inevitable to face the US designs against the Muslim world.

He was talking to the Pakistan envoy in Denmark Zulfiqar Gardezi, during a visit to the embassy there. He also called on a renowned Muslim scholar Sheikh Fawad Al-Barazi.

Sirajul Haq said that if the Muslim world did not rise above its differences realizing the demand of the hour, the enemy would target them one by one. He said the blood of the Muslims was being shed in Iraq, Afghanistan and several other parts of the world but ironically, the charge of terrorism was also being leveled on the Muslims.  Nobody was taking note of the terrorism going on against the Muslims of Kashmir, Palestine, Gaza, India and Myanmar, he said.

The JI chief said if the 56 Muslim states adopted a common policy and joined their ranks, they could easily face the biggest force of the infidels.  He said that Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Pakistan and Iran could jointly strive to steer the Ummah out of the present precarious situation.

During his meeting with Sheikh Fawad Al-Barazi, the JIP chief urged the Ulema and Khatibs to raise their voice against the US threats and help promote the feelings of unity and harmony among the Ummah. He appealed the teaching community, lawyers and students to hold seminars and conferences and adopt resolutions to condemn US threats.

Sirajul Haq said the JI had opposed joining the US war from the very beginning but the then rulers had put the national interest at stake against US interests. As a result, the country had suffered loss of more than 70 thousand lives both of civil and military besides financial losses to the tune of beyond one hundred billion dollars.