Father of Samia Shahid passes away


London, Jan. 30 (TNS): A man accused of assisting in the murder of his daughter in Pakistan has died.

Samia Shahid, 28, died in July 2016 while visiting family in Pakistan after receiving a phone call claiming her father was critically ill.

Her father Chaudhry Muhammad Shahid, who was held as a suspected accessory and was later released on bail, died in Pakistan last week.

Her former husband, Muhammad Shakeel, from an arranged marriage, and her father were charged with her murder and her ex-husband was also charged with raping her before her death.

A documentary, Murdered for Love, Samia Shahid, was due to be broadcast on BBC Two tonight, but has been postponed following her father’s death. A BBC spokesperson confirmed the programme had been postponed due to the recent death of a member of Samia’s family but no future broadcast date has been announced.

Bradford West MP Naz Shah, who has campaigned on the case, has been interviewed for the documentary, along with accounts from her closest friends.

The documentary also includes an interview with Samia’s second husband, Mukhtar Kazam, who tells the dramatic and tragic story of Samia’s return to Pakistan.

Ms Shah had demanded that authorities in Pakistan exhumed Samia’s body and commission an independent autopsy. The beautician, from Ms Shah’s constituency, had been buried in the graveyard of the village where her family lived.

Samia married Mr Kazam in Leeds in 2014 after getting divorced and moved with him to Dubai.

Mr Kazam claimed his wife was killed because her family disapproved of their marriage. He also wanted to get the case moved out of Jehlum.