US commanders authorized to deal with terror sanctuaries in Afghanistan, Pakistan: White House


Washington, Feb. 1 (TNS): The new strategy for South Asia authorizes the US military commanders to act against the terror sanctuaries both in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the White House has said.

According to a statement by White House “President Trump’s conditions-based South Asia Strategy provides commanders with the authority and resources needed to deny terrorists the safe haven they seek in Afghanistan and Pakistan.”

The statement further adds that “The President has suspended security assistance to Pakistan, sending a long overdue message to aid recipients that we expect them to fully join us in combatting terrorism.”

This comes as President Trump announced the new US strategy for South Asia late in August last year as he insisted on relentless fight to eliminate the menace of terrorism.

President Trump also harshly criticized Pakistan for allegedly harboring the terrorist groups in its soil and said ““For its part, Pakistan often gives safe haven to agents of chaos, violence, and terror.”

Since the announcement of the new strategy for South Asia, the US military has reportedly carried out a series of airstrikes in the tribal regions near border with Afghanistan.