Election Commission completes process of receiving nomination papers for Senate elections


ISLAMABAD, Feb 09 (TNS): The Election Commission has completed the process of receiving nomination papers from the four provinces for Senate elections.

According to the election commission, it has received thirty-four nomination papers from Punjab, one from Islamabad, thirty four from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, twenty-eight from Balochistan and forty-seven from Sindh.

Nomination papers for the seats of federal capital can be filed by Saturday while that for FATA by Tuesday next.

Polling for the Senate elections will be held on 3rd of next month.

Meanwhile, Election Commission of Pakistan has set up facilitation centers at its provincial offices for Senate Elections 2018.

This system will help in improving scrutiny of the particulars of the candidates.

The online technology will also seek assistance from State Bank of Pakistan and other institutions.

In this regard, a letter has been written by Secretary ECP to heads of all institutions, including NAB, NADRA and FBR, seeking their help.