Legal expert says there is room for public execution of Zianab muderer


Islamabad, Feb. 19 (TNS): Legal expert favored public execution for the convict in Zainab rape/murder case.
Speaking to TNS program “Siah Siasat”, legal expert Imran Baloch said the court had handed down a just and right punishment to Imran Ali, the rapist and murderer of Zaibab.

Imran Bloch, however, said that there is room for public execution of the culprit.

He said convict must be hanged in front of public ‘so the whole world could watch’.
Imran Baloch said parents’ demand of public hanging is just and in accordance with the teachings of Islam and if the demand of amending the Constitution for the public execution of the culprit is met then nobody would even think about committing such a sin.”
The verdict was announced in Kot Lakhpat jail on Saturday amidst tight security.

Imran Ali was sentenced on four grounds—murdering a child, kidnapping a child, rape of a minor, and committing an unnatural act with a minor. He has also been sentenced to seven years in jail with a fine of Rs1 million for desecrating the body of a minor.
According to the police investigation, the convict took Zainab to an under-construction house where he raped and killed her and later threw her body at a dumping site near her house. Zainab was kidnapped from near her aunt’s house in Kasur on January 4. Her body was discovered five days later.