NCHD to kick off enrollment campaign “all children in school”


ISLAMABAD Feb 19 (TNS): National Commission for Human development (NCHD) in the collaboration with provincial education department is being launching the enrollment campaign “All Children in School 2018”.

Talking to state-rune media on Monday Director Operation NCHD Balochistan Sikandar Shah said Education Enrollment campaign for winter zone of Balochistan will from March in which around 0.5 million non-going children to schools would be enrolled and it would continue till April.

He said, “We will engage tribal figure, social activists, religious scholars, students, teachers and local representatives in the enrollment campaign to motivate children to join classes.” Shah said that they would be mobilizing all people to make the enrollment campaign successful.

He said that basic purpose of the enrollment campaign was to minimize the number of out of school children. He said special focus would also be given in enrollment of girl students.

The education was the only way forward towards a progressive Balochistan, he said and added that serious efforts were needed to increase literacy rate in the province.

Shah said civil societies would help the education department in identifying areas where the ratio of out of school children was highest. Special attention would be given to areas of less enrolment, he added.

He pointed out that to enhance literacy level in the province; NCHD had also initiated adult education programs, adding that NCHD was also running 720 adult education centers in the province.

He said the commission was also offering vocational and professional training of different skills for earning respectable living for their families.