NAB committed to root out corruption: vows Chairman



Islamabad, March 4 (TNS): Chairman NAB Javed Iqbal on Sunday stated that considering corruption as cancer, the anti-graft watchdog has chalked out a comprehensive National Anti-Corruption Strategy to eradicate corruption across the board by adopting “Accountability for ALL” Policy as the figures of complaints, inquiries and investigations are almost double as compared to the same period of 2017 to 2018.

The comparative figures for the last one year are indicative of hard work being put in by all ranks of NAB officers/staff in an atmosphere of renewed energy and dynamism, where fight against corruption is being taken as a national duty,  Javed Iqbal said in a statement.

He said that NAB has geared up to come up to the expectations of the nation in order to eradicate corruption with iron hands and directed all NAB officers/officials to strictly follow rules and regulations on merit and transparency according to law.

He said that NAB’s Forensic Science LAB which has facilities of Digital Forensics, Questioned Documents and Fingerprint Analysis should be utilized for inquiries and investigations in order to further improve the quality of investigations in all respect.

The timeline of 10 months prescribed for efficient, effective and expeditious disposal of cases from complaint verification-to-inquiry-to-investigation and finally to a reference in the Accountability Court should be adhered strictly. No leniency will be tolerated in this regards.

He said that the new concept of Combine Investigation Team is yielding effective results in which we are benefiting from the experience and collective wisdom of senior supervisory officers, a system of CIT comprising of Director, Additional Director, Investigation Officer and a Senior Legal Counsel has been put in place. This is not only lending quality to the work but also ensuring that no single individual can influence the official proceedings of NAB.

He said that Transparency International (TI), PILDAT and World Economic forum have appreciated NAB’s efforts in eradication of corruption.

NAB in a very short span of two years has established over fifty five thousands Character Building Societies in universities/colleges to create awareness against corruption which has proved very successful and now young generation is also on board and have joined hands with NAB to eradicate corruption from the country which is our common enemy.