India ranked one position ahead of Pakistan in the latest annual Index of Economic Freedom


New Delhi, April 12 (TNS): India ranked just one position ahead of Pakistan in the latest annual Index of Economic Freedom released by a top American think-tank, Indian media reported.

India has jumped 13 places in the last one year to be earn 130th spot in the latest annual Index of Economic Freedom, in 2017, India with a score of 52.6 points was ranked at 143 among 180 countries, two spots below neighbour Pakistan, according to the Index of Economic Freedom.

China with 57.4 points was ranked 111 in the 2017 index of The Heritage Foundation, an American conservative public policy think-tank based in Washington.

As per the latest Index of Economic Freedom, China has jumped one spot and Pakistan is now at 131 position.

India’s economic freedom score is 54.5, making its economy the 130th freest in the 2018 Index, the Heritage Foundation said.

“Its overall score has increased by 1.9 points, led by improvements in judicial effectiveness, business freedom, government integrity, and fiscal health. India is ranked 30th among 43 countries in the Asia–Pacific region, and its overall score is below the regional and world averages,” it added.

Noting that India is developing into an open-market economy, the Index said traces of its past autarkic policies still remain.

Courtesy: Financial Express