Minimum monthly wages for a labour be equivalent to one Tola (12.5 Grams) gold: Demand labour unionions


ISLAMABAD, May 01 (TNS): The labour union of Capital Development Authority (CDA) has demanded that the monthly wages for a labour should be set as equivalent to that of the price of one Tola (12.5) grams of gold.

The demand was made by Secretary General of CDA Labour Union, Chaudhery Yaseen during a convention held here on Tuesday on the eve of World Labour day organized jointly by CDA Labour Union and Pakistan Workers Federation.
“Exploitation of labours is continuing unabated”. Added Yaseen
Former Chairman of Senate and senior leader of Pakistan People’s Party (ppp), Nair Hussain Bukhari in his speech said that the founder of PPP Zulfaqar Ali Bhutto was the one who in real terms devised policies for the betterment of labour class.
PML-N Leader Zafar Ali Shah on the occasion criticized his own Gov’t by blaming it for failing to put something better in the recently presented fiscal Budget.
Petron of Sweet Homes and Chairman of Bait ul Maal, Zamurrud Khan among other have also spoke on the occasion.