Civil Registration System critical for the country: Ahsan



ISLAMABAD, May 3 (TNS): Minister for Interior, Ahsan Iqbal on Thursday said a well-functioning of Civil Registration System is critical in monitoring country’s progress towards Sustainable Development Goals.

Addressing a launching ceremony of Technical Support Unit – Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (TSU-CRVS) at pakistan Policy and Management Institute (PPMI), he said, the setting-up the Unit is a step in right direction to facilitate national and provincial organizations, follow up actions and improve education and health systems.

UNICEF is extending institutional support for development and functioning of this unit for initial years. The Minister said by 2025, all people in the country would benefit from universal and responsive CRVS systems that facilitate the realization of their rights and support, good governance, and development.

The CRVS is mechanism of collecting information by civil registration system on frequency of occurrence of specified and defined vital events (eg births, deaths, cause of deaths, marriage, migration, its compiling, processing, analysing, evaluating, presenting and disseminating these data in some statistical form.

Ahsan Iqbal, who is also Minister for Planning and Development, said significance of improvement of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) has recently been emphasized round the globe and added CRVS data is critical to support functioning of National Health System and for a number of other government functions.

He also urged all development partners to use SDGs agencies to synergize and coordinate their efforts to support Pakistan in achieving SDGs. The Minister expressed his delight on inauguration of the Unit and described it as a testimony of Pakistan’s commitment towards SDGs.

The Technical Support Unit would have specific functions which include overall technical coordination, CRVS advocacy, organization and follow-up of National/Provincial Steering Committee meetings, facilitate strategic planning process and help in capacity building in multiple CRVS disciplines.

In addition, TSU- CRVS would assist in organization of assessment studies, specific surveys and also promote inter-agency coordination for CRVS uplift. Representatives of federal, provincial and districts governments, UN Agencies, academia and civil society and international Development Partners were also present.