403,830 acres land to be brought under rice cultivation in Faisalabad div


FAISALABAD, May 19 (TNS): As many as 403,830 acres of land will be brought under rice cultivation in Faisalabad division and 311,230-ton rice produce is expected this year.

A spokesman of the agriculture department said here on Saturday that 4.448 million acres of land will be brought under rice cultivation in Punjab, where 3.5 million ton yield is expected.

Giving details, he said that rice would be sown at an area of 171,530 acres in Multan division where 144,000 tons rice yield is expected while 124,000-ton rice production is expected from Dera Ghazi Khan Division where 152,810 acres land would be brought under rice cultivation.

He further said that rice crop would be cultivated over 252,370 acres of land in Bahawalpur division where 211,000 tons rice production is expected.

The spokesman further said that growers had been advised to use approved varieties of rice for cultivation which were not only disease resistant but also give maximum yield.

Among approved varieties include Super Basmati, Shaheen Basmati, Basmati-370, Basmati-385, Basmati Pak, Basmati-2000, Basmati-515, ARI-6, KS-282, KSK-133, NIAB ARI-9 and Basmati-198.

He asked the growers to complete cultivation of rice before

June 30 to get better and high yield.  Saplings of Basmati-370, Basmati-385,

Basmati Pak, Basmati-2000 and Basmati-515 should be transferred in the fields up to June 20 while Saheen Basmati can be cultivated up to June 30.

He further said that experts of Agriculture Department are available for the consultation and guidance of the growers during office times. However, the farmers can also contact agriculture free helpline 0800-15000 during office times daily for any assistance, he added.