ISTANBUL May 19 (TNS): Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi has reiterated that Pakistan stands in full solidarity with the Palestinian people in the face of unbridled tyranny.
He said Pakistan joins the OIC countries in conveying its strong condemnation of the massacre and maiming of innocent Palestinians by Israeli forces earlier this week.
In a statement at the 7th extraordinary Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Summit on the question of Palestine held here, he said “We are at an important juncture in history. It is no longer a question of choice but of necessity – to rise above our differences, demonstrate solidarity and support for the people of Palestine and above all ensure that international law is upheld without exception.”
The prime minister stressed that OIC countries’ response should, therefore, be multi-pronged and well-considered.
“On the one hand, it is essential to reaffirm and renew our full solidarity and unity among and between our countries and peoples.
We must also set aside our political differences. Even more important is to faithfully implement the OIC plans of action that are already in place in diverse areas,” he added.
He noted that only by taking these actions, they could resist external pressures, reverse the losses and take their destinies in their own hands.
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The prime minister suggested that on the diplomatic front, they must continue to demand that the UN Security Council fulfilled its key responsibility for implementation of its existing resolutions.
The OIC must demand accountability for defiance of its decisions.
The OIC members must underscore that the Council’s credibility would be questioned if it did not deliver on its duty to ensure implementation of its resolutions, he stressed.
The prime minister said, “We must reject double standards in the enforcement of Council resolutions.”
He observed that if the UN Security Council was unable or unwilling to act, they should mobilize support in the UN General Assembly for rejection of revisionist decisions and ensuring accountability of violators of international law.
He also stressed for follow-up on OIC decisions for economic and other appropriate actions to change the behaviour of the occupying forces.
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The prime minister also suggested that they should also consider the possibility of seeking the ICJ’s advisory opinion on the illegality of recent actions.
Besides, he said, the OIC member countries needed to reach out to other states and groups ‘to sustain support for the just cause of the Palestinians, put an end to continued killings and state terrorism and build an independent and contiguous State of Palestine, on the basis of internationally agreed parameters, the pre-1967 borders, and with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital’.