Jim Carrey drawing depicting Trump about to eat an immigrant baby


LOS ANGELES, June 19 (TNS): Famous US Comedian and Host Jim Carrey has taken his political drawings and criticism of President Trump to a new level.

In one of the actor and comedian’s most scathing rebukes of Trump yet, Carrey tweeted a drawing on Tuesday that depicts Trump about to eat an immigrant baby. The drawing is a parody of Trump’s book, “The Art of the Deal,” which Carrey calls “The Art of the Meal.” The drawing portrays Trump with fangs holding a baby’s foot up to his mouth, about to “devour” it.

The caption reads: “‘If the Democrats would just stop the Mueller investigation, build a wall, declare me a God and pass a special law allowing me to marry my hot daughter I wouldn’t have to devour these immigrant babies. It’s terrible what they’re doing. Obstructionists!'”

The drawing is a harsh commentary on the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance immigration policy, which separates children from their parents who are attempting to cross the border into the US.

It’s also Carrey’s tenth political drawing this month, and it remains to be seen whether this one in particular will draw conservative backlash like other drawings have in the past. Carrey is regularly outspoken against Trump and Republicans, and frequently posts political drawings on Twitter that face criticism from conservatives.