ECP outlines voting process for general elections 2018


Islamabad , July 23, (TNS): The Election Commission of Pakistan(ECP)  has outlined the voting method for the General Election 2018 to be held on July 25 across the country.

According to the electoral body, the ballot paper for National Assembly will be green, while white paper will be used for provincial Assemblies. In the first stage of the polling process, the officer will check the voter’s national identity card. Following this, voter’s name will be checked in the voting list.

The polling agent will then call out the voter’s name and serial number. After the voter’s name is crossed out on the list, their thumb impression will be taken on counter files. The voter’s thumb will be marked with permanent ink. After the assistant presiding officer signs on the back of the ballot paper for the national and provincial assemblies, the voter will be issued the polling paper.

The voter will then move behind the voting screen to stamp on the candidates of their choice. The national assembly paper will then be inserted into the box with the green lid.
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A box with a white lid will be used to insert the ballot paper for the provincial assembly.

The polling process will start at 8am on July 25 and end at 6pm on the same day. Doors of the polling station will be closed after the voting time ends, however, any voters inside the polling station will still be allowed to cast their votes.