Rehman Malik lashes at Indian regime for harboring Daesh


Islamabad, August 12 (TNS): In series of tweets, Chairman Standing Committee on Interior Senator Rehman Malik lashed out at Modi’s government for harboring international terror outfit.
The PPP senator took to twitter and said, “ European Union’s research report clearly shows that India is launching terrorists in Pakistan”.
“Pl watch EU report confirming the Indian support to Diesh in Afghanistan. It proves beyond doubt that India is sponsoring state terrorism in Pakistan by using Diesh via Afghanistan. I made RAW- Diesh nexus public six months back “, Malik tweeted.

“PM Modi u r a real hypocrite as while u r supporting ISIS in Afghanistan & sponsoring terrorism in Pak via A have no business to tell Imran khan to finish terrorist from Pak. PM Modi stop playing odd games with us U r heading a terrorist State/the Same ISIS will bite u back”Malik added.
He said India is using Daesh against Pakistan via Afghanistan, while RAW and Daesh are working in Tandem to cause damage to Pakistan’s sovereignty.
“Mr Nilesh I have no comments when ur elects PM Modi can lie then I do not expect ppl like u working for RAW will speak truth.U do ur duty for RAW and I will continue do my duty for my nation. RAW must be in anger with this unexpected jolt with EU report”, Malik replied to Nilesh.
PPP leader added that he has warned the Nation long ago about nexus of Daesh and RAW’s against Pakistan.
He further stated that Indian Prime Minister is promoting state terrorism himself thus he has no right to ask Imran Khan to eradicate terrorism in Pakistan.