Work on TAPI project at normal pace: Minister



Kabul, Aug. 13 (TNS): Afghan Ministry of Mines and Petroleum on Monday denied work on the multibillion Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline related projects has been delayed, Afghan media reported.

Acting Mines Minister Nargis Nehan said this to a meeting of the Council of Ministers sub-economic committee chaired by Chief Executive Officer (CEO), a statement from the CEO office said.

Nehan briefed the meeting regarding progress on the ongoing TAPI project, saying work on the TAPI project was going at a normal pace. He said there were some issues in the land acquisition but steps were being taken to resolve the issue. She insisted work on the TAPI project has not been stopped.

She said companies involved in the projects had been directed to recruit workers from areas where the project was being implemented and consider recruitment of women, repatriates and needy people as well, if required.

She said currently five projects related to TAPI were underway in Herat province, which included demining, land acquisition, environmental protection and surveys.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Abdullah Abdullah expressed satisfaction over the ongoing TAPI projects and asked the authorities concerned to implement the projects in coordination.

The CEO also asked the ministry of mines to know the price of gas provided to Afghanistan from the project and create a coordination committee so that all sides could work with zeal and interest.  He expressed optimism that the project was going at best pace.

Abdul Hadi Hedayati, deputy head of the Telecommunication and Information Technology (CIT), briefed the meeting regarding a digital CASA-1000 project and claimed its implementation would bring the internet price down by half.

The official also informed the meeting regarding evaluation of CIT law and code of conduct.