Cotton under threat


Islamabad, Nov 05 (TNS): THE future of the Bt cotton variety seems to be hanging in the balance in Sindh as farmers struggle with declining acreage in one of their major cash crops.

From water shortages, increased pest attacks, adulterated seeds and lower-than-before prices, growers find it hard to keep pace with cotton sowing.

Until a decade back cotton producers were in a state of euphoria as Bt cotton was giving them productivity as high as 60-70 maunds per acre. Bt cotton’s most attractive feature for growers was its immunity to pink bollworm attack, with the pest becoming almost extinct between 2006-2014.

In Sindh, growers were cultivating an Australian Bt cotton variety known as CRY1 which had been brought unofficially into the province. The Chinese CRY2 variety was officially obtained by Punjab.