Punjab to unveil reform agenda separately on Dec 10


LAHORE, Nov 28 (TNS): The Punjab government is scheduled to separately unveil its reform agenda relating to the Prime Minister’s 100-day Programme on Dec 10, officials told Dawn on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Imran Khan is scheduled to announce steps taken by the federal government during the 100-day timeline on Nov 29.

Officials in the Punjab government said most probably he would also announce the steps by the Punjab government, which have already been finalised in league with the federal government, in Lahore on Dec 10.

The PTI had announced bringing about a huge change in Pakistan in first 100 days of its government. And opposition parties are accusing it of doing nothing during this period.

Officials in Punjab say they have been working on introducing reforms in at least 12 basic sectors directly having impact on people. Main of them included health and education sectors. The programme also included giving new policies, and introducing a new local government system.

The Punjab cabinet had also approved various draft laws and policies in its meeting a few days ago which officials say are included in the reform agenda.

These include amendments to the property tax to grant concession on property tax in six districts where the related system is computerised, policy on relocation of sugar mills in the province, industrial and labour policies, Punjab Occupational Safety and Health Act 2018, Punjab Domestic Workers Act 2018.

The cabinet also approved the draft Mianwali Namal Institute Act, province-wise health insurance programme, amendments to the Punjab Motor Vehicles Rules 1969 under Provincial Motor Vehicles Ordinance 1965 and to the Punjab Restaurant Invoice Monitoring System Rules 2015 and Punjab Sales Tax for Service Enforcement Rules 2014.

Others include amendments to the Indus River System Authority Act 1992 (Chashma Right Canal Lift Irrigation Canal project), laws allowing imposition of sales tax on intercity transportation, transportation of luggage through roads or provision of services through pipelines.

Amendments to the Punjab Right to Information Act 2018, Punjab Right to Public Service Act 2018, Police Order 2018 (ADR committees), Punjab Prevention of Conflict of Interest Act 2018 and Punjab Whistleblower Protection Act and Vigilance Commission Act 2018 were also approved.
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